Join Us for Worship!
Sundays at 10 AM
6228 S Carr Ct. Littleton, CO 80123
What to Expect:
Dress is casual and all are welcome. We will sing, listen God’s Word preached, receive communion together, give an offering and be sent out and challenged to live out our faith in our daily lives.
Below is a brief explanation of some of our elements of worship and what they mean to us here at Calvary.
Why We Sing
Musical worship is an opportunity for our church to sing praises to our great Savior. At Calvary we sing in order to remember and proclaim who God is and what he's accomplished for us. He is worthy to be praised! Every service will open and close with a few songs.
Why We Listen to God's Word Preached
We believe that God speaks to us, and primarily he does so through His Word. Every week we open the Bible and listen as we seek to hear from God, apply His Word to our lives, and be transformed to look and live more like Jesus. Each Sunday will have a 30-40 minute message from one of our pastors.
Why We Pray
We believe that we can do no Christ-exalting, eternal good apart from depending upon God in prayer (John 15:5). This is why we set aside intentional time for corporate prayer every Lord’s Day.
Why We Celebrate Communion
We celebrate communion every week at Calvary. As we take the bread and wine, we remember these as symbols of Jesus' body broken and his blood shed on our behalf.
All followers of Jesus are welcome to join us at the table.
Why We Give
We worship a generous God. We give in response and in recognition that all we have comes from and belongs to God. We also give with the desire to see his kingdom and mission expand in Littleton and beyond. If you are a guest you are certainly welcome to give, but please do not feel obligated to do so.
Why We Go
At Calvary we believe that worship does not end when we leave the building. Therefore, we end every service with a blessing and charge to go into the world and make much of Jesus in our homes, neighborhoods, workplaces and to the ends of the earth.